Companion: Elder Christofferson
Date: February 22, 2016
Hey everyone,Well a lot of exciting news from me so I will finally be leaving Green Bay I didn't think I would be leaving this transfer but I am. I am sad though cause Elder Christofferson and I are like way good friends and so it sad to be leaving him cause we were way close but its ok. Also it was hard to say good bye to the members cause I felt as if that was my home ward and they were just awesome members really hope to go back and visit them all one day! So I will be companion with Elder Joaquin Lopez Alatrista he is from Peru so that is super fun, I don't think he knows English so I am super stoked my Spanish will get really good! I will be serving Lake Mills little town so we will see how that goes! Man just pretty shocked about all this but, anyway this week was good we went and toured Lambaue field those who don't know that is the stadium where the Packers play and for those who don't know who the Packers are that is the Football team here. That team has so much history behind them and the tour was so cool the stadium is huge! I took a lot of photos so I will send them! I love Green Bay but this area is a little hard right now so I am glad to have a change. This week we worked a lot with less actives and we are breaking down walls they have so that has been really good, our investigators are kinda at a stand still right now so hopefully things will pick up here. Sorry this email is going to be pretty short because with looking at transfer and everything but my spiritual message today is about an experience I had last night at a recent convert/less active. So this recent convert is married to a member who is active but she for some reason hasn't been coming to church so we went over I felt that I should kinda of give my testimony on the Book of Mormon and I told them that if they read this book each day that any doubts they have will go away and that they will stay active in the church. I told them that my mission would be worth it all if they all stayed active and made it together in the Celestial Kingdom. If I could have that family stay together because of my little weak testimony then that was all work it. As I was talking to them I felt the spirit so strong and I am not sure why it was super strong but it was and I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that we can all find out for our selves! I love you all hope you are all doing well!
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