Companion: Elder Lopez
Date: May 2, 2016
Hey everyone this week was good. We did a lot of service which is always nice but, the first one was pretty rough we helped this in-active lady move out of her apartment and oh my she had soooo much stuff every where like you could barely see the ground ah man and the smell so bad. I don't understand how she was living like that so crazy but the lady was super nice to us and doing service for those members is sometimes what they need. Then we also helped one of our members daughter move all her stuff which was fun we had a lot of the ward there and Angel Cabrera also came with is which awesome. Then that same day we helped this young man in our ward with his Eagle project because no body in the ward could go help so the mom called us and it was really fun we made these storage type of shelves out of wood so ya pretty fun. I love doing service for people now like I look back and man it was like a burden for me I felt but now it has just become like more of a desire. Sunday was also great we were able to hear Angel and Irasema testimony in Sunday School about the restored Gospel. To hear their stories it just makes me so happy how it started from honestly nothing to this huge new desire to follow our Savior. One thing that made me laugh was we got a call Sunday morning from Angel and he asked "who do I make the check out to for tithing and fast offerings" I can't believe their dedication they aren't even members yet and they paid tithing this family is just so amazing! I can't wait for Saturday it will be a day I never forget. Kinda makes me sad when we go to invite some families from the ward and I hear the reasons why they can't make it to their baptism I just want to tell them do you understand what is happening this is one of our brothers and sisters that we lived with before this life, who we loved and cared for so much back then that is finally finding their way back! This is what we all agreed to before we came here to fight everyday to make it back to him and this family is making that first step. So moral of my tangent if there is a convert baptism in your Ward or stake GO! That support will mean so much to them I promise! That is pretty much all for the week.
For this spiritual message part it comes from me learning more about what I need to do better. I learned something that to some of you might sound like a "duh" type of thing but some how I didn't realize it. One thing I had been struggling with is trying to understand why people don't except this Gospel so one way I tried to fix that was by trying to prove people wrong. I would never do it in a harsh or mean way I just always trying to show people that what "their church" was doing is wrong and proving to them that all this is true. Well I was talking to this member in our church who we go and visit every week cause he has some deseases where it made it so he can't walk anymore so he gets lonely. Well this man is very smart and pretty much called me out on the things I was doing wrong which is what I needed. After kinda sharing to him what I just shared with you he looks at me and says "you know what that sounds like to me? Fear, Doubt or Pride. You need to just let the spirit testify to them that it is true not proving it to them because that wont last." he is so right me trying to prove them wrong shows doubt on my part that I have to re-assure myself each time that it is true instead of letting the Spirit tell them it is true. I do not need to answer every ones questions I do not need to know everything and why we do everything. I just need to testify that Jesus is our Savior and Heavenly Father loves so so much that he gave us Prophets again and The Book of Mormon. I know that all this is true! I don't need to prove it anymore even though we can I don't need to. I am grateful for this humbling experience and for the wisdom of that member. I love you all and I hope you have a great week!
Love Elder DeSantis
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